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Author resources

Something incredibly important is happening right now on Twitter. In the mist of the information being revealed about inequality in publishing via the #PublishingPaidMe hashtag, agents and authors are sharing their knowledge about what goes on inside publishing. For example a series by @stdennard and her agent @JoSVolpe breaking down advance AND subrights (which are so important to a writers financial success, too!!).

Brandon Sanderson on Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy

Brandon Sanderson gives lectures where he goes into depth about the publishing industry and also about writing Sci-Fi/Fantasy in general. He even tells what he made when he first started. He posts the lectures for free on youtube for those who want to watch:

How book advances get calculated by publishers:

For those who want a technical explanation of how book advances get calculated by publishers, Jane Friedman

@JaneFriedman has written about book P&Ls here: this doesn’t necessarily apply to all situations, but advances tend to be based on sales expectations.

A very useful editing tool for writers:

It includes tools and a structured approach to story editing that makes every scene count. Evaluate your writing against the 38 Fictionary Story Elements. Keep track of your characters, improve your plot, and create engaging settings.


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